
Christmas time

I have always been a Christmas person and I didn't understand why there were people who disliked a time of the year in which families meet around the table to celebrate that they are together; think about a present for someone; write some special words to each other; bring joy and hope for children; and keep family memories alive.

Today I don´t feel the same way, but don´t get me wrong, I am not saying I hate Christmas... it is more a question of missing some of those people around the table so now I can finally understand who does not enjoy Christmas as it is. But I don´t want to bore you with sentimental thoughts, it was only a reflection to put into words how I feel these days. In future years, maybe I will change my mind cause I´ll be enjoying with Léa her particular Christmas world.

And now, let´s say that we have already started celebrating these past weeks with friends taking advantage of the arrival of  St. Nicolas in Belgium. We have been cooking, styling our table, wrapping gifts, buying and decorating our Christmas tree and filling home with lots of lights and scents of candles to get into the mood.

As we are leaving to Asturias in a few days, I wanted to share with you these images to wish you: 


* Recipes adapted from Little upsidedown cake and Tartelette.

7 comentarios:

carmen belmonte dijo...

Entiendo perfectamente esa sensacion de la que hablas. Os deseo unas Felices Fiestas y un buen comienzo de año.


mirari dijo...

a mî me pasô como a ti, pero todo dolor termina aligeràndose y los buenos recuerdos son los que perduran...

365 sonrisas dijo...

Desde luego que los buenos recuerdos son los que perduran. Feliz navidad @carmenbelmonte y @mirari

éva-mona dijo...

Oh these biscuits from Little Upside Down Cake, I noticed them too! Did you make them gluten-free? Are they ok? I will try them soon but have to think of how to adapt the recipe to make them gluten-free...

365 sonrisas dijo...

Eva, i did them gluten-free and they are delicious. I added more quantity of flour that in Little upside-down cake´s recipe but the amount in the rest of ingredients is the same and they are great...!!! You have to try!!!!

sheplaysthebanjo dijo...

Me encanta tu blog!! las imágenes hechas/elegidas con mucho gusto.
¡Enhorabuena :)!

365 sonrisas dijo...

Mil gracias!!! Un abrazo!!